英语翻译1:请问能否帮我进入广交会?2:我们有三个人你能帮我问一下其他人能否帮我带入进去么?3:我是来自北方的哈尔滨,那里冬天很美,尤其是美丽的冰灯和雪雕蕴涵了冰城的文化和风情4:我们要工作了.欢迎到美丽的哈尔滨做客.能否留下电话,到哈尔滨的时候我可以为您做导游.很高兴认识你.1:请问你能否帮我进入广交会?第一句 少打个字


第一句 少打个字

1: What can help me in the Fair?
2: We have three people you help me ask whether anyone else can help me get into it?
3: I am from Harbin in the north, where winter is beautiful, especially the beautiful Ice City Ice and snow sculpture implies the culture and customs
4: We want to work. Welcome to Harbin, a beautiful guest. Can leave a telephone, to Harbin, I can do for you when the tour guide. Nice to meet you.

1:Could you please help me to enter the Canton Fair?
2:We have three people,could you help to ask the others if they can bring us in?
3:I'm from Harbin,where the winter is very beautiful,especially the beautiful ice * and snow sculpture which imply the culture and amorous feelings of our ice-city.
4:We are going to work.Welcome to be our guest in the beautiful Harbin.Could you pls leave your phone number so that I can be your guide when you come.Glad to meet you.