初一英语习题,_______they often ______(make) cakes?Li Ping _________(not watch) in TV at home now.I like _______(go)to the movie with my friends.It's time to piay games.The students________(jump) and _____(ran).______he ______(study)very well?Can you heip me _______(carry) the box.What______the chliden_____(do)over there?______the man_____(open) the window?---No,he isn't._____your dog______(sieep) now?Now Class3 and Class4______(have)a test..I'm sorry_____(w


_______they often ______(make) cakes?
Li Ping _________(not watch) in TV at home now.
I like _______(go)to the movie with my friends.
It's time to piay games.The students________(jump) and _____(ran).
______he ______(study)very well?
Can you heip me _______(carry) the box.
What______the chliden_____(do)over there?
______the man_____(open) the window?---No,he isn't.
_____your dog______(sieep) now?
Now Class3 and Class4______(have)a test..I'm sorry_____(wake)you.
Would you piease ______(not piay)with the chalk?
You ' better_____(pass) this book to you.
Listen,someone______(read)in th room.
I think you'd better _____(not go)out aione zt night.

1 Did ;make
2 isn't watching
3 going
4 are jumping ;running
5 Does; study
6 carry
7 are;doing
8 Is ; opening
9 Does;sleep
10 have;to wake
11 not play
12 pass(这个句子貌似歧义啊)
13 is reading
14not go

do make
is not watching
is jumping running
does study
are doing
is opening(这个的回答好奇怪,所以提问也就有点怪,你的回答没抄错吧)
is sleeping
are having to wake
not play
pass(这个问题你确定你没抄错 啊)
is reading
not go

__Do_____they often __make____(make) cakes?Li Ping _isn't watching________(not watch) in TV at home now.I like ___going____(go)to the movie with my friends.It's time to piay games.The students__are ju...

.Do,make,.isn't watching,.going,are jumping,running,Does,study,carry(或to carry),do,do,Is,opening,Is,sleeping,are having,to wake,not play,pass,is reading,not go