根据中文意思和英文提示,写出下了句子上周我们乘火车去了天津(by train,last weet)昨天我把一些衣服给了慈善机构(give away,charity)当我回到学校时,铃声响了(by the time,ring)我叔叔过去常常和我一起去钓鱼(used to)你知道电脑是什么时候发明的吗?(computer,invent)我本应该7点钟到达,但我8点钟才到(be supposed,arrive)


上周我们乘火车去了天津(by train,last weet)
昨天我把一些衣服给了慈善机构(give away,charity)
当我回到学校时,铃声响了(by the time,ring)
我叔叔过去常常和我一起去钓鱼(used to)
我本应该7点钟到达,但我8点钟才到(be supposed,arrive)

We went to Tianjin by train last week.Yesterday i give away some clothes to the charity.The bell was ringning by the time i was entering my school.My uncle used to go fishing with me.Do you know when ...