一、鼠标 键盘 这两单词翻译成英语二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空It is not easy ________(learn) English well.三、每行找出一处错误We visited Beihai Park,the Forbidden City,Ruins ofYuanmingyuan and so on.In Beijing Zoo I looked some lovely pandas.四、补全对话明天 就是A的生日A:I have a birthday party each year.B:OK,so we have had the _____birthday party.A:Yes,you are right.五、句子改错I can see some apples in that old apple tree.Mum is not at home.Please look at your brother.There are adog and a cat under the bed.


一、鼠标 键盘 这两单词翻译成英语
It is not easy ________(learn) English well.
We visited Beihai Park,the Forbidden City,Ruins of
Yuanmingyuan and so on.In Beijing Zoo I looked some lovely pandas.
明天 就是A的生日
A:I have a birthday party each year.
B:OK,so we have had the _____birthday party.
A:Yes,you are right.
I can see some apples in that old apple tree.
Mum is not at home.Please look at your brother.
There are adog and a cat under the bed.
1.He ______(s开头) us his talent.We all cheer for him.
2.It is interesting to get to know a coutry from a ____(plenpa).把括号内的字母排成单词,再按适当形式填空.
David plays the violin and Peter plays the guitar.At first we can not play w____.So we practise every afternoon after school.And n____ we can play very well.We have another s____ favorite thing-painting.
没有打错 plenpa是打乱了字母的单词。