英语翻译Joey's parents took him into their room and spent the next half an hour calming him down and telling him it was just adream.But Iwanted to tell you this:nobody worried that I took a three-foot fall onto the floor and that happened for real - not just in some stupid dream!的中文是什么,Joey会说些什么,Joey的爸爸会说些什么.希望大家可以帮我解答,明天就要交了,


Joey's parents took him into their room and spent the next half an hour calming him down and telling him it was just adream.But Iwanted to tell you this:nobody worried that I took a three-foot fall onto the floor and that happened for real - not just in some stupid dream!的中文是什么,Joey会说些什么,Joey的爸爸会说些什么.希望大家可以帮我解答,明天就要交了,