求英语高手编一段对话请将此段对话续编,或重编,但主题不要变,相关新闻资料可参阅VOAA:Hello,Mike,have you heard the news that the world's most wanted terroristBin Laden has been killed by U.S.forces at a compound inside Pkistan?B:Of course I have ,that's good news,I heard this guy has made many attacks around the world and killed thousands of people.A:Yeah,and I also heard the Americans are celebrating the death of him.B:.这是我自己编的开头,可实力有限,


A:Hello,Mike,have you heard the news that the world's most wanted terrorist
Bin Laden has been killed by U.S.forces at a compound inside Pkistan?
B:Of course I have ,that's good news,I heard this guy has made many attacks around
the world and killed thousands of people.
A:Yeah,and I also heard the Americans are celebrating the death of him.

A:Hello,Mike,have you heard the news that the world's most wanted terrorist Bin Laden has been killed by U.S. forces at a compound inside Pakistan? B:Of course I have ,that's good news, I heard t...