


As I'm growing up, I am facing both frustration and gains. First, let me talk about my frustration. As I am going to a higher grade, I have more and more home work, and the study is getting more and more difficult. So I have less and less time to play with my friends and classmates. But, at the same time, I am learning more knowledge. I understand more things and I am happier and happier. I am also making more and more friends. I have more hope towards the future. The most important is I am learning more responsibilities as I am growing up.

“Don‘t keep your worries.” About fifty percent of the students in our class are worried about their homework and studies(学业). And they feel stressed too much. About thirty percent of the students think their parents are too strict with them. They don’t often talk with their parents. The other twenty percent of them say they are weak in health. They complain that they almost have no time for their hobbies or exercise.
So I hope that our teachers will give us less homework. And I advise our parents to allow us to spend some time with our parents doing outdoor activities.I think our teachers should give us less homework to do. And our parents are supposed to talk with us often. In this way, we will be happier.
20% 活动少,体质差;50%作业多,学业压力大;30% 父母要求严,相互沟通少;20%---twenty percent of the …
活动少---don’t often do sport;体质差---not health, be weak in health;作业多---have too much homework;学业压力大---feel stressed too much; under too much pressure;父母要求严--- be strict with sb.;相互沟通少--- don’t often talk with sb. ;
以上是 一个高中烦恼的调查 你适当的改一改就可以啦 适合你 下面有解释 。

High biggest worry is mainly the pressure from the entrance, there is no freedom in this high school really is to us, high school students worry and distress.To tell the truth, and in junior high I wa...