Is taht the small town you ofen ofer to?just the one __________you know I used to work for years我知道代替work there为什么不是做work的宾语而是状语,那怎摸解释Do you still remember the chicken farm _______we visited threemonths ago 要填that或which答案解释是做宾语


Is taht the small town you ofen ofer to?just the one __________you know I used to work for years
我知道代替work there为什么不是做work的宾语而是状语,那怎摸解释Do you still remember the chicken farm _______we visited threemonths ago 要填that或which答案解释是做宾语

Is that the small town you ofen ofer to?just the one 【where】you know I used to work for years.因为此句中的work是【不及物动词】,不能有宾语.Do you still remember the chicken farm【that或which】we visi...