帮我看看我的英语作文There are ways can help you study easier .First ,don't be depressed when you are in trouble Any one will be puzzled with study .So ,just take it easy .Second ,when you meet some problems you can ask your teathers and classmates to work it out Third don't care about your score too much ,think more about the progress that you have made.Fourth ,do more exercise .Strong body is the basic of good study ,IT CAN release you from presure 《at the sam


There are ways can help you study easier .First ,don't be depressed when you are in trouble Any one will be puzzled with study .So ,just take it easy .Second ,when you meet some problems you can ask your teathers and classmates to work it out Third don't care about your score too much ,think more about the progress that you have made.Fourth ,do more exercise .Strong body is the basic of good study ,IT CAN release you from presure 《at the same time build up your body health 》.THE LAST ALSO THE most important ,to do more practice .''Practice make perfect'' .《It's also no use only studying a few days before test 》.that's all if you can be better depends on wether you have tried your best 《》里的是用红笔花的 帮我看看语法错误

and build up your body at the same time
It's no use studying a few days before test

1.and at the same time build up your body(不能加health,且要用并列句引出) 
2.it is no use studying hurrily before tests.(前面没有同类的,不能用also,定语应放后头)