


I am the wind 我是风
I am the wind that waves 我是舞动的风
You are the certain land; 而你是安静的土地
I am the shadow that passes
Over the land; 我是那跨越你土地的影子
I am the leaf that quivers 我是震颤的叶子
You --- the unshaken tree; 而你是宁静的大树
You are the stars
that are steadfast; 而你就是那坚定的群星
I am the sea 我是大海
You are the light eternal 你是永恒的光辉
Like a torch I shall die...而我像火炬一样注定要熄灭
You are the surge of the deep music 你是那深沉音乐的波涛
I -- but a cry!可我,只会哭泣