1补充句子,使下句的意思和上句的意思基本一致The dimsum is very delicious.The( )is( ) ( ).We are very happy in liuhua park.We( )much( )in liuhua park.2补充句子所缺的单词,使上下句的意思基本一致This is Mary.This is( ) ( ).She needs to get plenty of rest.She( ) ( )get ( ) ( )of rest.Who's calling,please?Who's( ),please?What's wrong with her?What( ) ( )with her?Miss Green is busy now.Miss Green( ) ( )now.


The dimsum is very delicious.The( )is( ) ( ).
We are very happy in liuhua park.We( )much( )in liuhua park.
This is Mary.This is( ) ( ).She needs to get plenty of rest.She( ) ( )get ( ) ( )of rest.
Who's calling,please?Who's( ),please?
What's wrong with her?What( ) ( )with her?
Miss Green is busy now.Miss Green( ) ( )now.

楼主第一题错了 哪有is tastes? taste本来就是联系动词直接 sth + taste + adj
楼主第二题错了 feel后加adj,加了much之后变成修饰比较级,就不对了。
1.(1)dimsum very nice
(2)enjoy happiness
2.(1) 不知道
(2)has to a lot
(3) that
(4) is wrong
(5) is occupied (这个肯定对)

The dimsum is very delicious. The( dimsum )is( pretty ) ( tasty ).
We are very happy in liuhua park. We( have )much( happiness )in liuhua park.
This is Mary. This is( Mary ) ( speaking ). She needs to get plenty of rest. She(wants ) ( to)get ( a) ( lot )of rest.
Who's calling,please? Who's( that ),please?
What's wrong with her? What( 's the ) ( matter )with her?
Miss Green is busy now. Miss Green( isn't ) ( free )now.

1.The dimsum is very delicious.The( dimsun )is( tastes ) ( good ).We are very happy in liuhua park.We( feel )much( happy )in liuhua park.2.This is Mary.This is( that ) ( Mary ).She needs to get plenty...