- “Next Tuesday is going to be a holiday,”says the teache阅读理解“Next Tuesday is going to be a holiday,”says the teacher.“I want you to tell me what you are going to do,Terra.” “I’m going to the movie theater to see a movie,”says Terra.“It is a comedy about a fat professor.My classmates say it’s really funny.” “Anything else are you going to do?”the teacher asks.“Of course I’m going to do my lessons.I’mgoing to study math and physics in the morning.” “Do y
- 吉林2011高考英语卷有篇英语文章a bad working memory大脑的工作记忆.求那篇阅读理解的全文翻译我要的是每句话的翻译.你们可以用软件弄成中文的
- 高中英语怎么上130英语只有120几.请为我安排个学英语的时间表.我们7.20上早读.晚上10.20到家.没有双休日.我的听力较差,每次都错3-4个.单项一般2个.阅读理解一般3个.作文差,上次扣了9分.完型2-3个.任务型阅读一般1-2分.
- (1)结合课文内容理解句子. (2)阅读课文片段,完成填空练习.(1)对这两位母亲的怀念,一直伴随我度过了在欧洲的十一年. 这句话的作用是:______________________.这再一次表明了_________________. (2)不久外面就黑起来了.我觉得这黄昏的时候最有意思…… 季老感到凄凉是因为______________________.
- 初二英语没学好初三应该怎么补特别是答得题基础太差了比如选择题在答的时候总是不确定而后面的阅读理解什么的就更加不会了有些单词不认识或者都忘了 请亲们帮帮我怎么才能提高上分数啊
- 《你努力了吗》阅读答案7.写出下列词语的反义词果断——( )陌生——( )8.根据下面的意思,从文中找出相应的词语.(1)面对困难在没有什么办法去解决.( )(2)心情不好,有些伤感.( )9.用一句话归纳第2自然段的意思.答:10.根据对文章内容的理解,解释文中加点词语的意思.障碍:11.母亲为什能一次次战胜自己?答:12.“那天,母亲哭了,那个男孩也哭了.”为什么他们母子俩都哭了?答:13.约翰森的经历向我们昭示了什么?答:
- 阅读《致文学》 1.你对“阅读优秀的文学作品,了解社会,了解自然,了解人生的意义,是一件大有裨益的事情”这句话是怎么理解的?请结合自己读过的文学作品,试就其中某一个方面谈谈体会.
- 有些大专英语作业需要解答,全答对给100三、阅读理解(共 2 道试题,共 40 分.)V1.When I begin to look back on all friends whom I have had,I quickly came to the conclusion that Jerry was the most important and had the greatest effect upon my life.His family moved to my block when I was only 10.Jerry was 15 at the time,but the fact that he was so much older than me seemed to make no difference to him.I was very glad that he liked me.We took long walks together,on which he would tell me s
- 阅读理解The journey to the moon has been the first step towards future exploration(探险)space.The journey to the moon has been the first step towards future exploration(探险)space. The distance between the moon and the earth is very short indeed when compared the distances between earth and the other planets. Mars, the nearest planet to Earth is millions of miles away! Traveling to the planets will be man's next aim. Such travels will be more challenging(挑战)
- 阅读理解Tea bag drinking is most Westerner' favorite way of drinking tea .
- 720千米每小时等于多少米每秒
- 你认为楚人能找到他的剑吗?为什么?这个故事告诉我们怎样的道理?