1.Please illustrate with two examples the use of collective nouns that could be singular or plural forms.
2.Could you expiain the subjective-verb agreement for the existential sentence?
3.how do you understand the concept of double genitive?
4.What is the difference between anaphoric specific reference and cataphoric specific reference?
5.How do you achieve the pronoun agreement in a discourse?
6.Please explain the use of the reflexive pronoun as an object in a sentence.
7.What is the difference between the past progressive aspect and simple past tense?
8.What is the difference between present perfect aspect and simple past tense?
9.Please list at least five ways to express future time
10.Please explain three ways toexpress the be-type subjective mood.
11.Could you summrise the basic principle of spistemic use of moda; auxiliary?
12.Could you please illustrate the use of absolute construction?