请大家帮忙翻译一下 ,英语翻译成汉语,谢谢smallness alone does not automatically translate to effecive ncss.ln fuct, when small schools act like large ones-e.g, retaining departmcntal structures-little improvement is llikely.but smallncss offcrs opportunily . a morechuman scale allows for much more personal conneclion and the leeway to reform programs and praclices in ways known to enhance learning.
请大家帮忙翻译一下 ,英语翻译成汉语,谢谢
smallness alone does not automatically translate to effecive ncss.
ln fuct, when small schools act like large ones-e.g,
retaining departmcntal structures-little improvement is llikely.
but smallncss offcrs opportunily . a morechuman scale allows for much more personal conneclion and the leeway to reform programs and praclices in ways known to enhance learning.
smallness alone does not automatically translate to effectiveness
in fact, when small schools act like large ones.
retaining departmental structures-little improvement likely.
but smallness offers opportunity.
a morechuman scale allows for much more personal connection and the leeway to reform programs and practices in ways known to enhance learning.
感觉有些单词写错了,effecive是effective?fuct是fact?departmcntal 是departmental?llikely是likely?smallncss是smallness?offcrs opportunily 是office opportunity?(好像有点问题)morechuman是?praclices是pract...