帮我把中文翻译成英语.快点 我很急!~1.你将买什么作为你母亲的生日礼物? 2.我可以看看你的手表吗?3.他算不出这道数学题.4.你们打算怎样庆祝?5.他非常喜欢魔术.6.我不想叫醒你.7.你为什么回这么晚?8.一年中哪个季节最暖和?9.有时候雨下得很大.10.明天的天气会怎样?11.天气变得越来越冷.12农民们正忙于收割.13.别走错路.14.每年.15.遵守交通规则.16.自我介绍.17.我们怎样才能使房间干净?18.我们在家帮助父母做家务是件好事.19.我们需要乘坐2路公共汽车.20.照顾21.在椅子下22.邮局23.大致相同24.多久25.没关系26.短暂的休息27.付款28.用过的29.我父亲漂亮的红色汽车停在我家前面.30.排球是我最喜爱的运动.31.你认为他的英语说得怎样?32.她的身份证在书下面.33.今天是我们建校十年纪念日.34.在她空闲时间,她通常去看望她的朋友们.35.你假期喜欢干什么?


帮我把中文翻译成英语.快点 我很急!~

1. What you will buy your mother as a birthday gift?
2. I can look at your watch?
3. He can not count this mathematical problems.
4. How are you going to celebrate?
5. He was like magic.
6. I do not want to wake you.
7. Why are you back so late?
8. A year in which the warm season?
9. Sometimes a very big rain.
10. How will the weather tomorrow?
11. Becoming more and more cold weather.
12 farmers are busy harvesting.
13. Do not have taken the wrong road.
14. A year.
15. Abide by traffic regulations.
16. A self-introduction.
17. How can we clean the room?
18. We are at home to help parents with household chores is a good thing.
19. We need to take 2 bus.
20. To take care of
21. In the next chair
22. Post Office
23. Roughly the same
24. How long
25. It does not matter
26. A short rest
27. Payment
28. Used
29. My father beautiful red car parked in front of my house.
30. Volleyball is my favorite sport.
31. Do you think how he put it in English?
32. Her identity card in the book below.
33. Today is the anniversary of our founding ten years.
34. In her spare time, she often went to see her friends.
35. What do you like holidays?

楼上机器翻译明显有问题。。第14题 没年 翻译成A year?
1 What will you buy your mother as a birthday gift?
2 I can take a look at your watch?
3 He can not count this mathematical problems.
4 How are you going to celebrate?
5 He was like magic.
6 I do not want to wake you.
7 Why are you back so late?
8 A year in which the warm season?
9 Sometimes very large rain
10 How will the weather tomorrow?
11 Becoming more and more cold weather.
12 Farmers are busy harvesting
13 Do not have taken the wrong road.
14 every year
15 observe traffic regulations
16 Introduce Oneself
17 How can we clean the room?
18 We help parents with household chores at home is a good thing.
19 We need 2-way bus ride.
20 take care of
21 Under chair
22 Post Office
23 About the same
24 How long
25 quite all right
26 Have a short break
27 payment
28 second hand
29 My father pretty red car parked in front of my house.
30 Volleyball is my favorite sport.
31 Do you think how he put it in English?
32 Her identity card in the book the following
33 Today is the anniversary of our founding ten years
34 In her spare time, she often went to see her friends.
35 What holidays do you like?

1. What will you buy your mother as a birthday gift?
2.May I look at your watch?
3. He can not work out this mathematical problems.
4. How are you going to celebrate?
5. He was greatly fond of magic.
6. I do not want to wake you.
7. Why are you getting back so late?
8. which is the warmest season in the year?
9. Sometimes it rains heavily.
10. How will the weather tomorrow?
11.It's becoming more and more cold .
12 Farmers are busy harvesting.
13. Do not take the wrong road.
14. every year.
15. obey traffic regulations.
16. A self-introduction.
17. How can we clean the room?
18.It is a good thing that we are at home to help parents with household chores .
19. We need to take NO.2 bus.
20. To take care of
21. UNDER THE chair
22. Post Office
23. Roughly the same
24. How long
25. It does not matter
26. A short rest
27. Payment
28. Used
29. My father beautiful red car parked in front of my house.
30. Volleyball is my favorite sport.
31. Do you think how he put it in English?
32. Her identity card is under the books.
33. Today is the anniversary of our shool's founding for ten years.
34. In her spare time, she often goes to see her friends.
35. What do you like to do in holidays?


1.你将买什么作为你母亲的生日礼物?What would you buy for your mother's birthday present?2.我可以看看你的手表吗?May I have a look at your watch?3.他算不出这道数学题.He can't make out this math problem.4...
