根据汉语提示写一篇60词左右的英语作文(文章已给出开头,不计入总词数)提示:上个星期天,我和同学们乘公共汽车去参观科学博物馆,8:30我们到了那儿.那天,科学博物馆格外漂亮,到处都是鲜花和彩旗,旅客中还有不少外国朋友,很多人在那里照相,但有的地方不准拍照.我们也加入了流热闹的人群,尽情地唱啊,跳啊,我们度过了愉快的一天.(不需要全部对中文意思、只要意思相同就可以了、)快点很急、跪求 、开头是这样的Last Sunday,I got up early in ten morning.After breakfast,my6classmate and I


提示:上个星期天,我和同学们乘公共汽车去参观科学博物馆,8:30我们到了那儿.那天,科学博物馆格外漂亮,到处都是鲜花和彩旗,旅客中还有不少外国朋友,很多人在那里照相,但有的地方不准拍照.我们也加入了流热闹的人群,尽情地唱啊,跳啊,我们度过了愉快的一天.(不需要全部对中文意思、只要意思相同就可以了、)快点很急、跪求 、
Last Sunday,I got up early in ten morning.After breakfast,my6classmate and I

The last Sunday,I went to the Science Museum by bus with my classmates.It was 8:30 when we arrived there.The museum was particularly beautiful that day,with flowers and flags of several colors all around.There were also some foreigners,and many people took photos there,although it was not allowed somewhere.We engaged in,jumping and singing,and we had a very happy day together.

last Sunday ,I got up early in ten morning.After breakfast,my classmate and I went to the science museum by bus.we arrived there at 8:30.it was a nice day,and the museum looked more beautiful than any...