帮我写几篇英语作文,初中生水平,80词左右1.An Amazing World提示:Waht is the most amazing thing you have ever seen?(people,animals,places,building...)Why do you think it's amazing?How did you feel when you saw it?2.The nature in my heart3.请围绕“中学生如何阅读英语文章”这一话题展开思路谈谈你的感想就是这三篇,不一定要写得很好,只要达到要求,三篇齐了我就会给分.50到100分不等,按照水平在采纳的时候会给分.


1.An Amazing World
提示:Waht is the most amazing thing you have ever seen?(people,animals,places,building...)
Why do you think it's amazing?
How did you feel when you saw it?
2.The nature in my heart

1. An amazing worldThe world we are living in now, is much better than before, mainly because of the latest fast advancement of our technology. Our lives have been made much more easier compare wit...