英译汉 5句100分


英译汉 5句100分
1.Sales of the Group are generally settled in cash or bank acceptance notes(usually in maturity dates of within six months) on delivery
2.The Group always keeps the turnover days of trade receivables within two week of its credit control.
3.The major raw materials and energy of the Group are corn/starch,coal.liquid ammonia,sulphuric acid,and soy bean,representing approximately 80% of the production cost,in which corn/starch presenting appproximately 50% of the pruduction cost
4.The Group plans its annual procurement of raw materials and energy based on an annual production plan.
5.The group set an optimal storage level for each type of raw materail inventory on a monthly and weekly basis,and settles its purchase either in cash or by bank acceptance notes.

1.Sales of the Group are generally settled in cash or bank acceptance notes(usually in maturity dates of within six months) on delivery1.该集团的销售通常以现金或银行承兑汇票结算(通常在到期日的6个月内...