专业英语翻译 不要什么词霸翻译的 在线等2006年7月1日,根据我国加入世贸组织的关税减让承诺,小轿车、越野车、小客车整车的进口关税降至25%,车身、底盘、中低排量汽油发动机等汽车零部件的进口税率降至10%.至此,加入WTO后为期五年的中国汽车产业过渡保护期宣告结束,这意味着我国汽车业从此以后将直面国际市场的竞争.几十年来,我国的汽车业从无到有,不断发展壮大,到目前为止,我国已经是世界上第三大汽车生产国和第二大汽车消费国.
专业英语翻译 不要什么词霸翻译的 在线等
On July 1, 2006, according to China's accession to the wto commitments, the tariff concessions passenger car, off-road vehicles, vehicle import tariffs to 25%, body, chassis, low emissions gasoline engine etc auto parts of import tariff to 10%. Thus, for a period of five years after joining WTO of China's automobile industry transition, which means that ended the protection in China auto henceforth will face the competition of the international market. For decades, China's automotive from scratch, the constant development and expansion in China, so far, has been the world's third-biggest car producer and consumer, the second largest car.