


How old is your math teacher?
这种询问第三人年龄的常用 How old is + he/she/it/人名人称代词来表示,如果是直接面对的一个人,问人家年龄的话,也有几种婉转的说法常用到:
1)How old are you?
2) What is your age?
3) I'd like to know how old you are, will you tell me?
4) I'd like to know your age, are you 18/...?
5) Could you tell me how old are you?
6) Would you mind telling me your age?
7) Could I have your age?
8) Will you please tell me how old you are?
1 “.岁” 比如:我20岁.
1) I am twenty.
2) I am twenty years old.
3) I am aged twenty (years).
4) My age is twenty (years).
2 "快.岁"比如:他快13岁了.
1) He is getting on for thirteen.
2) He is going to be thirteen (years old).
3) He will be thirteen years old.
4) It will be his 13th birthday.
3 "不满.岁"、“差不多.岁” 比如:她不到20岁.
1) She is almost twenty (years old).
2) She is nearly twenty (years old)
3) She is just under twenty.
4) She is hardly twenty.
5) She is not yet twenty (years old).
4) She is on the right side of twenty.
5) She has not yet turned twenty.
4 "已经.岁" 比如: 他已经30岁了.
1) He is oever thirty.
2) He is past thirty.
3) He is turned thirty.