1.He said "I joined army in 1945" 2.Tom says " The beach is wonderful" 3.The teacher said " Who wil


1.He said "I joined army in 1945" 2.Tom says " The beach is wonderful" 3.The teacher said " Who wil
not goswimming ?" 4.Theteachersaid"Isevery here today? "5.Teacher said"Open yourmouth"请帮我解答几道直接引语变间接引语的题谢谢啦快点哦

1.He said (that) he joined army in 1945.
2.Tom says (that) the beach is wonderful.
3.The teacher asked (that) who would not go swimming?(直接引语变间接引语要注意时态的变化)
4.The teacher asked whether/if everyone was here today.
5.Teacher asked me to open my mouth.(Ask 既有询问的意思,也有要求的意思,此处为第二种意思)