单选21. With the successful


单选21. With the successful
21. With the successful launch of Tiangong-1, which was ___ breakthrough in this field, China’s space dream took a step closer to___ reality.
A. the; aB. a; / C. a; the D. the; /
22. —Oh, how depressed! I’m bound to lose to him in tomorrow’s competition.
—Cheer up! In fact, he is ___ than you.
A. not more nervous B. no more nervousC. no less nervous D. a little less nervous
23. The bus hit against a tree in the fog and ___ to the deep valley,with ten passengers killed
and twenty wounded.
A. down did it rollB. down rolled it C. it down rolled D. down it rolled
24. —Was the driving pleasant when you went to Sichuan last summer?
—No, it ___ for a week when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy.
A. was raining B. has been rainingC. had been rainingD. would have rained
25. Nearly three months had gone by ___ the seriously injured girl showed a slight sign of recovery.
A. until B. after C. since D. before

21.Breality不需要冠词,因为没有“一(a)个现实”或者“这个(the)现实”的说法译文:随着Tiangong-1的成功发射(这是在这个领域的一个突破),中国的太空梦想离现实更近了一步.22.CIn fact,he is a little less nerv...