


(1) the highest in the world where people from » (2) the highest of high » (3) the highest when people born » (4) the highest people died when the » (5) the highest of the hands of long » (6) he did not want to do » (7), sandwiches like to do » (8) sandwich how to do » (9) people like to eat sandwiches? » (10) sandwich name of the origin » (11) who invented the TV » (12) in 1936, first on television where » (13), who is a television Mody » (14) when there are more than 10 million color television station » (15) more than 10 million color TV station in which country » » »

1、where is the tallest man of the world from?
2、How tall is the tallest man of the world?
3、When was the tallest man borned?
4、When was the tallest man dead?
5、How long are the hands of the tallest man?
6、What does he do not want to do?
7、What's Mr.Sandwich like to do?
8、How to make a Sandwich?
9、Do people like Sandwich?
10、Why does Sandwich be called Sandwich?
11、Who invented TV?
12、Where is the First TV station in 1936?

1.Where does the tallest person come from around the world?2.How tall is the tallest person?3.When was the tallest person born?4.When did the tallest person die?5.How long is the hand of the tallest p...