英语翻译1.努力提高工厂工人的工作条件是值得做的事情、(It is worthwhile to、condition)2.她的行为鼓舞了其他人继续为保护野生动物而奋斗.(behaviour、inspire)3.作为一名学生你应该谦虚,不应该瞧不起那些知道得比你少的同学.(modest、look down upon)4.如果人类继续这样做,我们很快就会陷入能源危机.(human beings、be short of)5.年轻的一代中,许多人都喜欢外国音乐和电影.(generation)6.如果想知道如何翻译这个句子,你最好查字典.(refer to)7.当游客的队伍离开广场后,人群涌了进来.(move off、crowd in)


1.努力提高工厂工人的工作条件是值得做的事情、(It is worthwhile to、condition)
3.作为一名学生你应该谦虚,不应该瞧不起那些知道得比你少的同学.(modest、look down upon)
4.如果人类继续这样做,我们很快就会陷入能源危机.(human beings、be short of)
6.如果想知道如何翻译这个句子,你最好查字典.(refer to)
7.当游客的队伍离开广场后,人群涌了进来.(move off、crowd in)

1.It is worthwhile to make efforts to improve the working conditions of workers in the factory.
2. Her behaviour has inspired others to continue working for the protection fo wildlife.
3.As a student, you should be modest and shouldn't look down upon those who know less than you.
4. If human beings go on doing like this. we will be short of energy soon.
5. Among the young generation, many people like foreign music and movies.
6. If you want to know how to translate this sentence, you had better refer to the dictionary.
7. After the tourist team moved off, a lot of people crowded in.