

The final argument advanced by proponents of encouraging children to use the Internet at early age is that the Internet can enrich the children's entertainment lives and let them enjoy their lives much beter.But,this opition ignores a fact that most of children are lack of self-control and self-disciplice,and they are likely to be absorbed in the intersting and exciting Internet games,and forget to do what they are supposed to do at their ages.For instant,some children are so obsessed with the Internet that tehy don't have nough time to read books,play with their friends outdoor,or even eat their meal at right time.My uncle told me sometimes the was worried that my little cousin spent too much time on the Internet.In addintion,there are a great deal of internet games which are related to violence.They can be probably make a negative impact on the behavior of children in the future.
\x05It should be seen that exposure of the Internet at an early age is not a good idea.We can't deny the singnificance of the Internet and it is imperative that everyone should be familiar with the Internet if they want to get more information and improve their work efficiency.However,the negative influence of the Internet to children at early age is more than the possitive sides.All of us hope our children can grow up in a safty and healthy environment.Therefore,chidren should not be exposed to the Internet at early age

The final argument proposed by proponents of encouraging children to use the Internet at an early age is that the Internet can enrich the children's entertainment life and let them enjoy their life be...