Please suggest at least two sites other than your own, *and* which are not already listed, to show that you can easily build this category with worthwhile additions unrelated to you.Also, please use the editing guidelines to help you write acceptable titles and descriptions.英文翻译,希望有朋友能帮忙下~!


Please suggest at least two sites other than your own, *and* which are not already listed, to show that you can easily build this category with worthwhile additions unrelated to you.
Also, please use the editing guidelines to help you write acceptable titles and descriptions.

请建议除了你自己的,*and*哪一个至少两地点未被已经列出展示你能和你无关的值得增加地容易建立这个范畴.也 ,请使用编辑指南帮助你写作可接受题目和描绘.