请大家用英语帮我翻译下这句话 谢谢了 很急我们的画有分两种质量的 一种是普通的一种麻布的 您的画要画在普通的效果比较好,我们给您寄出去的就是您确认的作品 因为我们不可能在画一张在给您掉包,如果您要退款可以,但是您要把您现在手中的画寄给我们,中间的费用都由您负责,然后我们把画钱给您退回去,但是运费已经产生了 我们就不予退


请大家用英语帮我翻译下这句话 谢谢了 很急
我们的画有分两种质量的 一种是普通的一种麻布的 您的画要画在普通的效果比较好,我们给您寄出去的就是您确认的作品 因为我们不可能在画一张在给您掉包,
如果您要退款可以,但是您要把您现在手中的画寄给我们,中间的费用都由您负责,然后我们把画钱给您退回去,但是运费已经产生了 我们就不予退

We are partakers of two paintings a quality of linen is a common picture to paint of your results were better in general, we send you out to confirm the work is because we can not draw one in the Your substitution,
If you want a refund can, but you must send your picture now in the hands of us, the middle of the expenses are your responsibility, then we draw the money back to you, but shipping has resulted in us not to retreat to希望对你有帮助

Our painting to have two kinds of quality one kind is ordinary a linen your painting to draw in ordinary effect is good, we give you send out is you confirm work because we can't be in drawing a DiaoBao in give you,
If you want a refund, but you can put your hand now send us the painting, the middle cost will be responsible for you, and then we took the picture money to you go back, but freight has produced we will not be refundable

We are partakers of two paintings a quality of linen is a common picture to paint of your results were better in general, we send you out to confirm the work is because we can not draw one in the Your substitution,
If you want a refund can, but you must send your picture now in the hands of us, the middle of the expenses are your responsibility, then we draw the money back to you, but shipping has resulted in us not to retreat to

Our paintings have a kind of your painting that is ordinary kind of linen to divide two kinds of masses to draw better in the ordinary effect, we send out for you go to of is the work of your validation because we impossibly at make uniform sheet replace for you,
If you have to refund can, but you want the painting in the hand to send to us now you, the intermediate charges are all been responsible for by you, then we send back for you painting money,the fare has already generated us anti to back