nothing but y与nothingexcept的用法如 I wang to say nothing but sorry与 say nothing except sorry 还有I wang to say everything except sorry yu与上面意思一样吗


nothing but y与nothingexcept的用法
如 I wang to say nothing but sorry与 say nothing except sorry
还有I wang to say everything except sorry yu与上面意思一样吗

I want to say nothing but sorry与 say nothing except sorry两个一样,都是说什么别的都不说了,只想说抱歉
I want to say everything except sorry 是说什么都不会道歉的,和上面不一样

楼主同学,nothing后只和but一起用,没有nothing except这么说的………everything.except也很少见,倒是anything but,everything but...常见些…意思…就像1楼说的