你们网络资费标准是怎样的? 请问英文怎么说? how much do you charge for using the internet?


你们网络资费标准是怎样的? 请问英文怎么说? how much do you charge for using the internet?

如果你是询问一个ISP(网络供应商)的话,这样问应该没有问题.还可以加上:Any special discount packages?How long will it take to install everything?Any maintenance or after-sale services?How much do they c...是去新西兰,问酒店服务员我能怎样使用网络,和酒店对于使用网络的资费标准。请指教下···那你可以问以下跟进问题:“Any free internet access?”“Any special discount,if I would like to use a longer period (say, for xxx days)?”“Shall I bring my own PC or there is one in the hotel room?”“Do you accept credit cards for settlement of charges?”等等。 看是否合用。