(关于土地征用) Land Takings Land takings by governments for non-agricultural purposes through the eminent domain power—state expropriations or acquisitions—are probably the most visible and contentious rural issue in today’s China.Under the current legal regime controlling land expropriations and other forms of land takings,farmers do not receive adequate,consistent treatment in terms of sufficiency of compensation and transparency of procedure.As a result,China’s urban-biased development is heavily “financed” by farmland taken for non-agricultural purposes.Further,the bulk of the compensation allowed by current laws and policies—grossly inadequate as it is—is routinely intercepted by local governments and village officials.Meanwhile,land-losing farmers have been blocked from the land-taking processes without opportunities to receive proper notice and to voice their opinion or concerns in a meaningful manner.To make matters even worse,affected farmers seldom have access to independent courts for an unbiased ruling when the expropriating agency (typically the Ministry of Land & Resources (MLR) and its local branches) fails to sufficiently address their concerns.Consequently,land -related issues arising from state expropriations or acquisitions have recently become the top cause of rural grievances.The
news of violent confrontations—sometimes involving deadly
shootings by police or security forces—between land-losing
farmers and local governments are routinely suppressed by the
*,and the few stories reported by foreign
media are likely the tip of the iceberg.38 Against this backdrop,
we designed a series of questions that aim to uncover how
farmers are treated in land takings.
The picture is disturbing indeed.Interviewees report one
or more land takings in 476 of the 1,773 survey villages
(26.8%) since the second round of contracting (or since 1995
if the village has not conducted the second round of con-
第三段During the last ten years,cases of land takings have grown
more than fifteen times,and the growth appears to be acceler-
ating.Accordingly,farmers are facing ever-increasing danger
of losing their land and livelihood to urbanization and non-
agricultural development.为啥没人译啊?