过马路要左右看看 用英语怎么说还有 我想为我女儿买个外套怎么说 在邮局的对面有家银行


过马路要左右看看 用英语怎么说
还有 我想为我女儿买个外套怎么说

Keep youself noticing the cars when you are crossing the road, especially in China.
I would like to buy my daughter a jacket.
There is a bank opsite to the postoffice.

look the both sides when you cross the rode
i want to buy a coat for my daughter
there is a post office oppsite to the bank

过马路要左右看看:Cross the street to look around
我想为我女儿买个外套:Me want to buy a coat for my daughter
在邮局的对面有家银行:Home at the post office opposite the bank

应该是1.look the both sides when you cross the rode
2.I want to buy a coat for my daughter
3.there is a post office oppsite to the bank