1月1日~5日的早上 英语怎么说在1月1日到1月5日早上我老是起的很晚 " 用英语怎么说?i always got up later on the morning of jan.1sy to the 5th?这样写对吗?是ON THE MORNING 还是IN 还有 1月1日到5日jan.1sy to the 5th 那个 前面THE 要不要去掉?我现在很纠结- - 导致我现在心情很.


1月1日~5日的早上 英语怎么说
在1月1日到1月5日早上我老是起的很晚 " 用英语怎么说?
i always got up later on the morning of jan.1sy to the 5th?这样写对吗?
还有 1月1日到5日jan.1sy to the 5th 那个 前面THE 要不要去掉?
我现在很纠结- - 导致我现在心情很.

the morning between first and fifth in February

I always get up late in the morning between January 1 and 5.
I always get up late in the morning during the 5 first days in the January.

In the Jan. 1 to Jan. 5 in the morning, I always get up late

I get up late whenever it is during 1st of january to the 5th if january.

I always get up late in mornings,every/from Jan 1st to 5th取决于你到底是每年的这几天还是今年的这几天,如果是后者,还得把get的时态改一下 楼上一串全是错的,根本还连单复数都不分呢请看新概念第二册第二课:It ...