go out of print什么意思


go out of print什么意思
go out of print 是在下面这段话里是停止印刷吗?
Should the edition of the Work published under this Agreement go out of print or off the market in the Licensed Territories for over 6(six) months, and the Publishers fail to make any more reprints of the licensed edition within 60 (sixty) days after written notification from the Proprietor, then all rights granted under this Agreement shall revert to the Proprietor without further notice and without prejudice to any monies already paid or then due. Additionally, should the Work not be reprinted within six months of going out of print then the Publishers’ rights to seek or renew any sub-licence agreement shall cease. The edition of the Work shall be regarded as out of print or off the market should the Publishers’ annual statement show a stock of fewer than 100 (one hundred) copies.

This sense appears in go out of print,said of a book that will no longer be printed.Also see the subsequent idioms beginning with go out.