怎样提高英语写作能力/How to improve english writing skillsHow can I inprove my english writing skills!Please help me,every The Good Natured People!(Please writing Eenglish) 如果语法有什么错误的,请各位好心的大哥大姐包涵一下,并帮小妹改正一下.Thank you!


怎样提高英语写作能力/How to improve english writing skills
How can I inprove my english writing skills!Please help me,every The Good Natured People!(Please writing Eenglish) 如果语法有什么错误的,请各位好心的大哥大姐包涵一下,并帮小妹改正一下.Thank you!

多背一些范文,引用上面的句型,注意细节的描述,要有自己的观点,另外注意连接词的使用,如besides,in addition,what is more,meanwhile,
等等,还有表总结的短语,如to sum up,in a word等。这只是我自己的一些看法,希望能够帮到你!

please write in English.
句型:表达个人观点in my opinion\ as far as i am concerned\from my point of view,as i see it.

原因for one reason…for another reason\on the one hand,on the other hand\since\because等等
关联词:表时序 first of all\above all\the most important of all\firstly,secondly,lastly\begin with, and then,next,finally\at the same time.
并列and\both...and\not only ...but also\as well as\neither...not
递进what's more\moreover\further more\in addition\in other words\apart from\in this case
总结in a(one)word\in brife\generally speaking\on the whole\therefore\in summary\it is clear that
转换话题和解释that is to say\in other words\in my opinion\to tell you the truth\to be honest\in fact\as a matter of fact.等等

Easy it is,English you writeGood English you think,your job is light.Never think in Chinese,English you think,Many think in Chinese,their English will stink.When you read English,never into Chinese yo...

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