论文投稿时遇到这种问题,The text is to be typeset in 10 pt Times Roman,single-spaced with interline spacing of 13 pt.Text area (incl


论文投稿时遇到这种问题,The text is to be typeset in 10 pt Times Roman,single-spaced with interline spacing of 13 pt.Text area (includingrunning title) is 7 inches across and 9.6 inches deep.Final pagination and insertion of running titles will be done by thepublisher.这句话怎么理解呢?

稿件文字必须用 10 点大小的 Times Roman 字体打出,单行间隔,行与行之间的距离为13 点.文字区(包括小标题)的宽度为 7 英吋,深度为 9.6 英吋.最後的分页和加插小标题,都由出版人负责.
[译者按:文中的 "点 (pt)" 是印刷业术语:72 点 = 1 英吋]