Pool experts have determinded the proper levels of chemicals that must-------in pool water to protect the swimmers from


Pool experts have determinded the proper levels of chemicals that must-------in pool water to protect the swimmers from infection and the equipment-------corrosion and damage.Chlorine keills harmful organisms,but it won't work properly if the alkalinty of the water is too----.If the calcium content of the water is inadequate,the water will leach calcium from the walls of the pool,------them
1.A.maintain B.be maintained C.have maintained D.be maintaning
2.A.by B,from C.for D.of
3.A.low B.below C.under D.beneath
4.A.have weakened B.is weakening C.weakening D.weakens

1.选B.这里是一般的情况.maitain维持,保持.游泳池中的学药品的含量必须保持在一个恰当的水平.在这里要用被动语态,是人类保持其含量.2.选B.and the equipment-------corrosion and damage与前一短语to protect the sw...