把下面句子改成一般疑问句1、I have some beautiful pad.2、She has already had breakfast.3、He bought a new envelope last month.4、That is a green car.5、He wants to buy the car himself.6、She is reading a story book.7、He is a teacher.8、I want some glue.9、She can’t do the homework herself.10、I am a taxi driver.


1、I have some beautiful pad.
2、She has already had breakfast.
3、He bought a new envelope last month.
4、That is a green car.
5、He wants to buy the car himself.
6、She is reading a story book.
7、He is a teacher.
8、I want some glue.
9、She can’t do the homework herself.
10、I am a taxi driver.

1.What kind of pad do you have?
2.Did she had her breakfast?
3.When did he buy the envelope?
4.What is the colour of that car?
5.Does he want to by the car himself?
6.What is she reading?
7.Who is he?
8.What do you want?
9.Can she do her homework?
10.What is your occupation?

  1. Do you have any beautiful pad?

  2. has she had breakfast yet?

  3. Did he buy a new envelope last month?

  4. Is that a green car?

  5. Does he want to buy the car himself?

  6.  Is she reading a story book?

  7. Is he a teacher?

  8. Do you want any glue?

  9. Can't she do the homework herself?

  10. Are you a taxi driver?

1、Do you have any beautiful pad.
2、Has she already had breakfast?
3、Did he buy a new envelope last month?
4、Is that a green car?
5、Does he want to buy the car himself?
6、Is she reading a story book?
7、Is he a teacher?
8、Do you want some glue?
9、Can she do the homework herself?
10、Are you a taxi driver?