见到很多如a few .a lot of .a number of的名词修饰语,它们是形容词?介词短语?还是什么
见到很多如a few .a lot of .a number of的名词修饰语,它们是形容词?介词短语?还是什么
a few 形容词 翻译为少许, 少数;一星半点;些许;几
【例句】You mind answering a few more questions?你介意回答些问题吗?
a lot of 形容词 翻译为许多的;诸多
【例句】He underwent a lot ofhardships in his childhood. 他在童年时代经历了许多坎坷.
a number of 形容词 翻译为许多的;一些
【例句】The radar beam can track a number oftargets almost simultaneously. 雷达波几乎可以同时追着多个目标