Bruce:Right,then.The meeting has officilly come to order.Let us all say the pledge.
Anchor,Bruce,Chum:I am a nice shark,not a mindless eating machine.If I am to change this image ,I must first change myself.Fish are friends,not food.
Anchor:Except stinkin's dolphins.
Chum:Dolphins,Yeah,they think they are so cute.Look at me,I am a flippin little dolphin,let me flip for you.Ain't I something?
Bruce:Right then ,today’s meeting is step5-bring a fish friend.Do you all have you friends.
Anchor:Got mine.
Bruce:How about you ,Chum?
Chum:Oh,I…seem to have misplaced my friend.
Bruce:That’s all right.I had a feeling this would be a difficult step.you can help youself to one of my friends.
Chum;Thanks ,mate.A little chum for chum,eh?
Bruce:I’ll start the testimonies.Hello my name is Bruce.
Bruce:It has been three weeks since my last fish,On my honor,or may I be chopped up and made into soup.
Chum:you’re an inspiration
Bruce:right,then,who’s next
Dory:pick me,pick me,pick me,
Bruce:yes,The little Sheila down the front
Bruce:come on up here
Dory:Hi,I’m Dory
Dory:And,wh,well.I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a fish
Chum:that’s incredible
Anchor:Good on you,mate.
Dory:I’m glad,I got that off my chest
Bruce:All right?Anyone else.How about you,mate?what’s your problem?
Marlin:Me?I don’t I don’t have a problem
Bruce:Oh ok
Bruce:just start with you name
Marlin:Ok,uh,hello,my name is Marlin.I’m a clownfish
Chum;A clownfish,really?
Bruce:Tell us a joke
Chum:I like jokes
Marlin:I actually do know one that’s pretty good.there was this mollusk,and he walks up to a sea cucumber,Normally,they don’t talk,sea cucumber,but in a joke,everyone talks,so the sea mollusk says to the cucumber
Chum:Nemo,ha ha ,Nemo,I don’t get it
Bruce;for a clownfish,he’s not that funny
Marlin:No,no,no,no,he’s my son,he was taken by these divers
Dory:oh,my gob,your poor fish
Chum:Humans think they own everything
Anchor:probally American
Bruce:Now,there is a father looking for his little boy
Marlin:what do these markings mean
Bruce:I never knew my father
Chum:come on,group hug ,we are all mates here,mate
Marlin:I can’t read human
Dory:we got to find a fish than can read this,hey,look,sharks
Dory:that’s mine,give it to me,give me
Marlin:oh,I’m sorry,Are you ok
Marlin:I’m so sorry
Dory:you really cloked me there.Am I bleeding?
Bruce:Dory,are you ok-ohh,ohh,that good.