1、"WTO" is an ______ made up from teh first letters of the name of the organization "World Trade Organization".
1、"WTO" is an ______ made up from teh first letters of the name of the organization "World Trade Organization".
2、The phrase "on the shelf" is an ______ construction.
3、"Poor John" and "ran away" are the _____ constituents of the sentence "Poor John ran away".
4、The word "brunch" is formed by way of _____ from "breakfast" and "lunch".
5、Michael A.K.Halliday has developed the ______ grammar.
1acronyms 叫首字母组合词
2 ppprepositional phrase副词构建
3 immediate 直接成分
4 clipping 缩略词是两个词的一部分组成的词语
5 TG 转换生成语法 是乔姆斯基的