英语句子语法小问题1.Our teacher told us to read books written by such masters asMao Dun and Ba Jin.中的written by 不是用了非谓语吗?那么这句:错:last week ,i read an interesting story taken place during wwII对:last week ,i read an interesting story that had taken place during wwII中的taken place 为什么是错的?2.When I was a small boy,I would often sit for hours playing with the few toys I had.为什么用would often sit 不可以用had often sat?3.Before I came,I had imagined college was a paradise whe


1.Our teacher told us to read books written by such masters asMao Dun and Ba Jin.
中的written by 不是用了非谓语吗?
那么这句:错:last week ,i read an interesting story taken place during wwII
对:last week ,i read an interesting story that had taken place during wwII
中的taken place 为什么是错的?
2.When I was a small boy,I would often sit for hours playing with the few toys I had.
为什么用would often sit 不可以用had often sat?
3.Before I came,I had imagined college was a paradise where I could relax after the stressful three years of high school.
为什么可以用had imagined college was a paradise 而不能用would be?
例句:Before I came to / entered college,I had
never though life at college would be so
rich and interesting
4.If the global warming continued,these islands woulddisappear.
中的l warming continued 是什么语法?
5.If I had a million yuan,I would buy my parents anapartment.
6.I shouldn’t have lied to her in the first place.
中为什么不用 at first?

3,had imagined 是过去完成时,因为Before I came中came是过去时,这个动作发生在过去的过去,因此用过去完成时
4,gloabl warning 是全球变暖的意思,你断句有问题
6,in the first place是固定搭配,表示起初,首先得意思,

1.written by 在这里表示被动had taken place 这里应该用过去完成时2.would sit 表示虚拟语气,表示对过去的假设3.动作发生在became 之前,过去的过去要用过去完成时4.global warming 是固定词组,continued 在这里作状语5.表示对现在的假设要用过去时表示,6at first 要置于句首与后面用逗号隔开!请采纳!打字很累的

 例句中的written是动词的过去分词形式做后置定语.下面的句子是整个定语从句,可以用which took place或者that/which had taken place.此句中would为情态动词,had often sat只是表示过去完成式.句子意思是想表达...