求几篇初一上学期程度的英语作文!第一个题目是:假设你有一家甜品店,店里有水果甜品和茶点,请为你的甜品店写一则广告.第二个:Mary昨天病了,没有上学,她的同学是怎么做的呢?提示词:Mary,ill,yesterday,not,go,school,after school,classmates,come to see,tell,not,worry,lessons,help,thanr you.(40词左右!)主要是第二篇,第一篇可以不要,如果你写的正好符合标准的话,事后我可以加送20分,


第二个:Mary昨天病了,没有上学,她的同学是怎么做的呢?提示词:Mary,ill,yesterday,not,go,school,after school,classmates,come to see,tell,not,worry,lessons,help,thanr you.(40词左右!)

Dear Frank,
Glad to get your mail again.You want to know about my family.My homeown Jinian andmy dream job.Now let me tell you all about them.
First I’d like to tell you about my family.There are three people in my family.My father,my mother and I.My father is a manager.My mother is a bank clerk.There are working in the office.They can’t stand hamburgers,pizas.But they love dumplings,potatoes……
Second I’d like to tell you my homeown Jinan.Jianan is famous for Springs,so Jinan is Spring City.Jinan is really beautiful.Oh!I’m a student.But Iwant to be a policeman.
Whth my best wishes to your family!
Ling Ming

Mary was ill yesterday and did not go to school. After school, some classmates come to see her and tell her not to worry about lessons and they will help her. Mary said,"Thank you."