译六年级英语短语(举起,张贴) (骑自行车去--) (步行去--) (与--相邻) (在将来) (照顾) (越来越高) (比--高得多) (比--更有趣) (比--有趣的多) (8米长) (几天) (显得开心) (没多少水) (在---末) (向--求助) (回到---)(将--准备好) (乘车) (跟某人告别)


(举起,张贴) (骑自行车去--) (步行去--) (与--相邻) (在将来) (照顾) (越来越高) (比--高得多) (比--更有趣) (比--有趣的多) (8米长) (几天) (显得开心) (没多少水) (在---末) (向--求助) (回到---)(将--准备好) (乘车) (跟某人告别)

put up
go -- by bike
go --- by walking/on foot
next to
in future
take care of/ look after
become higher and higher
taller than
more interest than
much more interest than
8 meters long
several days/a few days
seem happy
not much water
at the end of
ask ... for help /turn to sb
get/go back to
get sth. ready
take the car/bus
say goodbye to sb.

hold up
ride one's bike to
walk to
next to
in the future
take care of / look after
taller and taller
much taller than
more interesting than
much more interesting than
eight meters long
a few days
seem happy
not much water
at the end of
ask ... for help
get/go back to
get sth. ready
take the car/bus
say goodbye to sb.

put up
by bike
on foot
next to
in the future
take care of
higher and higher
much high
much interesting
8 meter high
a few days