八年级英语第十课单项选择 写清知识点I saw a boy ( ) in the stree this  morning ,so I went  to ask what was the matter   A.cry    B.crying      C.to  cry   D.criedDonot throw rubbish everywhere .you should( )   A.take them away            B.take it off      C.take it away           D.take away itLetis have it today ,(   )?   A.shall  I               B.will you     C.shall we          D.do you


八年级英语第十课单项选择 写清知识点

  1. I saw a boy ( ) in the stree this  morning ,so I went  to ask what was the matter

       A.cry    B.crying      C.to  cry   D.cried

  2. Donot throw rubbish everywhere .you should( )

       A.take them away            B.take it off      C.take it away           D.take away it

  3. Letis have it today ,(   )?

       A.shall  I               B.will you     C.shall we          D.do you

B.看见某人正在做某事,即看见男孩正在哭.2.C.带走,动词短语中,代词一般放在动词与介词之间 3.C.let's 的反意疑问句,应为shall we