英语 选择填空一题It is said that they have promoted Robin,but he didn't mention _________ when we talked during the meeting.A having been promoted B to promoted C having promoted D to be promoted


英语 选择填空一题
It is said that they have promoted Robin,but he didn't mention _________ when we talked during the meeting.
A having been promoted B to promoted C having promoted D to be promoted

I hear they’ve promoted Robin, but he didn’t mention _____ when we talked on the phone.
升职发生在mention之前(不然就无所谓提及不提及),所以用have done形式,promote是及物动词,所以此处用be promoted。mention是及物动词,直接加宾语,不用不定式。
其实也就相当于He didn’t mention that he had been promoted when we talked on the phone.

此句应该是被动语态,mention to do sth是固定搭配

A 原因:1.mention后面加doing sth ,所以排除B,D .2.根据语态,应该是罗伯特被升职.所以应该用被动
