下列句子用英语翻译 :1、我想去机场接西蒙,但是我不知道他几点到北京.2、打扰您一下,请问去公共汽车站怎么走3、爱丽丝不但会说英语,而且还会说法语.4、最重要的是我们互相理解.5、现在我和汤姆都没有做家务.


下列句子用英语翻译 :1、我想去机场接西蒙,但是我不知道他几点到北京.

Excuse me,could you please tell me how to go to the bus station?

I want to meet simon at the airport,but I can't figure out when he will arrive in Beijing
Excuse me,can you tell me how to go to the bus stop?
Alice not only can speak English but also can speak French
The most important thing is we have mutual understanding.
Now,Tom and I don't do housework .( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

1.I want to pick up Simon, but I don't know when he arrives at BeiJing.
2.Excuse me,where is the bus station.
3.Alice could speak not only English but French.
4.What most important is we understand each other.
5.Neither me nor Tom is doing housework.

2 Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the bus station.
3 Alice not only speaks English but also French.
4The most important thing for us is to understand each other.
5 Both Tom and I are not doing housework at the moment.

1 I want to pick up Simen at the airport,but I've no idea when he will arrive in Beijing.
2 Excuse me,which is the way to the bus station?
3 Alice speaks not only English,but also French.
4 What matters is our mutual understanding.
5 Neither Tom nor I am doing housework now.