英语翻译1 我想试一试你的车 / 我想试驾这款新车2 我想借你的车开几天 / 开3天 3 Tom,我能借你的车开几天吗?我的车坏掉了.4 你能戒烟吗?抽烟对你和家人都很不好.5 爸爸说他已经戒烟了,可我发现好几次 他都在偷偷抽烟6 您为什么总不听我的话呢?抽烟对您的身体很不好英语翻译.7 路上怎么有这么多的奔驰车 路上有好多奔驰轿车啊!(这个用 感叹句翻译)8 她是多么爱你啊!感叹句翻译你知道她有多爱你吗?


1 我想试一试你的车 / 我想试驾这款新车
2 我想借你的车开几天 / 开3天
3 Tom,我能借你的车开几天吗?我的车坏掉了.
4 你能戒烟吗?抽烟对你和家人都很不好.
5 爸爸说他已经戒烟了,可我发现好几次 他都在偷偷抽烟
6 您为什么总不听我的话呢?抽烟对您的身体很不好
7 路上怎么有这么多的奔驰车
路上有好多奔驰轿车啊!(这个用 感叹句翻译)
8 她是多么爱你啊!感叹句翻译

  1 I want to try your car / I want to test drive the car
  2 I want to borrow your car for a few days / 3 days
  3 Tom, can I borrow your car for a few days?My car broke down.
  4 you can quit smoking?Smoking is for you and your family is not very good.
  5 my father said he had given up smoking, but I found several times he secretly smoke
  6 why do you always listen to a word I say?Smoking is not good for your body

1 I want to try your car / I want to test drive the car
2 I want to borrow your car for a few days / 3 days
3 Tom, can I borrow your car for a few days? My car broke down.
4 you can quit smoking? Smoking is for you and your family is not very good.
5 my father said he had given up smoking, but I found several times he secretly smoke
6 why do you always listen to a word I say? Smoking is not good for your body