求翻译:Writing a StartIo Routine As its name suggests, a StartIo routine is responsible for startin


求翻译:Writing a StartIo Routine As its name suggests, a StartIo routine is responsible for startin

不明白的再问哟,望及时采纳,多谢a StartIo routine is responsible for starting an I/O operation on the physical device,编写一个StartIo程序。正如名字所示,StartIo程序负责启动物理设备的输入、输出操作。Most lowest-level drivers provide a StartIo routine and rely on the I/O manager to queue IRPs to a system-supplied device queue. Some lowest-level drivers are designed to set up and manage their own supplemental IRP queues, but even these usually also provide a StartIo routine. (For more information about supplemental queues, see Setting up and Using Device Queues and Managing Device Queues.)大部分低级的驱动器提供一个StartIo程序并依靠输入输出管理器将IRP排到系统提供的设备队列里。有一些低级驱动器被设计成能够建立并管理自己独有的辅助IRP队列,但就算这样它们也会提供StartIo程序。(欲知更多有关辅助队列的信息,请查看“建立和使用设备队列以及管理设备队列”)