


I care about you the most, and I could never forget you, just because I love you so much.
当翻译"只因你是我最爱的人"的时候,不能说i love you the most, 或者说you are my best lover,因为这样会让人觉得你不止一个爱的人

只因你是我最爱的人,我最惦记的人是你,我无法忘记你As you are my best lover,as well as miss you most,never forget you.

Only because you are the person whom I love most, I remember most of the person is you, I can't forget you.

I always think about you and I think I can never forget you because you are the one I trully love/you are my lover!

Just because you are my favorite people,I am most of the people about you,I can not forget you

As you are the one I love most, I miss you most, I can not forget you.

because you are my best love, i think about you the most, i can't forget you.