I'm a musician,________?为什么填aren't I


I'm a musician,________?为什么填aren't I
(1)Mr.Green _____ China for two years.为什么填has been in
(2)When I came in,he was helping Tom _____ the watch.为什么填mend
(3)My uncle has just _____ abroad.He won't come back this month.为什么填gone
(4)Yesterday I went to the train station _____ my uncle.为什么填to meet

I am 的一般疑问句.就是 Aren't I 这是惯用法...
还有反意疑问句也是 aren't I
尽管语法上不正确,但是人人都是这样用的(considered a "forced" mistake),使用它的时候不能够用完整形式Are not
当然,要是你感觉这样不太正式,你可以使用Am I not ,这样给人一种formal的感觉,一般对话文章中都不会使用